Thứ Ba, 19 tháng 7, 2011

Lucky star and A channel : My new passion ^^


Don't read this if u'r not otaku, i'm seriously worried that u'd be dizzy 8-3


1.Lucky star

Anyway, here's the plot: Lucky Star's story mainly portrays the lives of four Japanese girls attending a Japanese high school. The main character is Konata Izumi, an athletic and somewhat intelligent (however lazy), but also mischievous girl who, despite these attributes, is not in a sports club and has to resort to all-nighter cramming for tests. She would rather read manga and play video games than do her homework.(just like me, ^^ except 4 the intelligent part =_=)... There r some more but nevermind, they're cramps!
What i like about this is it resembled me and other otakus of ourselves,always watching animes, games, mangas.


and this resemble me of myself so much xD .And i'm sure many otakus r having the same thought as i am.

2. A channel

So after a few years lucky star had been broadcast, there's a new anime which just came out this spring and it's A channel! Many people said it was different version of Lucky star but IT'S TOTALLY NOT!!!(screw u, people! >_<).
Anyhow, the anime is about 4 high school students in Japan, the setting is pretty alike to Lucky star but the main characters and character's personalities are different. It's mostly talked about Toru and Run, a couple of best friends since elementary,while Run got to high school and Toru was still at junior high (she's a year younger),Run made some new friends, Nagi and Yuuko, so they formed a group of 4 girls and caused many troubles also laughter around the school. This anime is deeper and touchier than Lucky star, i almost cried when i watched the last episode when Toru cried because Run's going to college, it reminded me that me and my friends will have to separate in the end of this year, too.

This anime resembled my life, too since Toru followed Run everywhere acted like a bodyguard and i do the same with Moe, except the thing that i'm more like a servant and the one got protected was me, not her ~_~' and another difference is Toru is like a genius, she tutored Run and helped her pass the entrance exams while she was a second year while Run is quite an airhead and have absent-minded very often. In my situation, everything is opposite, i'm the airhead and Moe's the genius.

Well,the bad new is both of this anime is over and now i have nothing to watch. Haizz... Oh well, i just wrote this because i was bored, so bye, not hoping anyone would read this. So bye ^^

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