Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 8, 2012

The children's teacher, Mr. Kwon (Korean manhwa)

As I said, I'm back with blogspot. So for starter, I think we should have something new and exciting, so now I'll talk about one of the newest Korean manhwa on

To be honest, why care about spoiler anyway. What's the point of reading a review?! = ="

The cover of  The children's teacher, Mr. Kwon manhwa

* Plot: 

A Yakuza boss decides to lay low after an "incident" by going undercover as a teacher goes to for a rural school to teach with a class total of five unique children.

Original children. "Mr. Kwon", who never taught before, just wants a pretext to stay in a peaceful location, so he agrees to take the job of "substitute". He quickly learns that teaching is not what he expected it to be and that his 5 students are each very unique with very distinct characters and troubles. This webcomic is a sensitive and subtly executed depiction of a Yakuza boss known for his "cool" (read detached) manner applying his understanding of "managent" to the elementary students that are placed in his care and raises some adult societal issues. "Mr. Kwon's" initial hesitation fades, as he wholeheartedly takes on the responsibility of caring for his students, and will seek violence to that end if needed.

Original Webcomic

I was kinda lazy to write a whole plot on my own, plus I can't do that really well. And in this case, the plot is not the matter so I copy this from mangafox, if this is not considered legal, any of the readers should tell me and I'll fix it
The story is about a man who has to go under cover as a teacher. He teaches 5 children in a poor rural village. The five children are :
           Kang San : the son (or grandson) of one of the biggest company in Korea- the Kang Nam group. He has a weak body so he has to stay at the village. Though he is kind of sensitive about his health because he can't run around too much like other kids , he quite enjoy the fun of going to school and play with other kids. He has bright hair color and always wear a jacket, also have a big smile on his face (kinda remind me of Naruto). Despite the innocence, he has quite sharp eyes that tends to see through people (my vocabulary is limited so... =.=)
           Cha Shiru : A cold looking boy, the same age and is the best friend of Kang San. He looks like a bad ass boy but he's actually really sensitive (so cute, that my type ^^). Cha Shiru has a bad childhood, his mother died when he was born and his father is always drunk and hit him just cuz he looks too much like his mom. After being safe from one of the crazy moments of his dad, he was adopted by Mr.Kwon and has a respect for him since then.
           Suh Dom, Suh Som and Seori : They are the 3 girls of the class.
Seori is a cute and kind girl, always wears the jersey her grandma made for her and loves her dog a lot. (It's actually her grandma's dog but she passed away a few years ago so now it sticks with her. )
SuhDom is a tomboyish girl, she likes to play with Kang San and play along with his jokes. Her sister Suh Som is the youngest child, she's only 5, just following her sister cuz she can't be home alone.

Anyway, this will be quite a lovely story for the fans of slice of life genre and Korean manhwa. It's not so dramatic, it reflects the life of the 5 kids with their thoughts and the adult thoughts as well. At first, it seems to be a fun and cute story then sometimes the story is sad and sometimes it just describe the life of the poor rural village. We don't know where would the story go yet cuz as in the plot said, the main character is a Yazuka boss so it could turns out to ways:
           1. The story will somehow connect to mafia, evil people, stuffs like that afterwards
           2. Mr.Kwon will leave the village after the kids graduate and go... ermm... do his stuff, come back as a Yazuka, who the hell knows?! xD
The 2nd one is likely to happen since light heart-warming stories always turn out like that.

So in conclusion, the manhwa is really recommended and I'm waiting for the 15th chapter :D
Yes! Once again, I accidentally access into blogspot. It's not like I'm addicted or anything but this did help me a lot with stress at school.
And from now on, I'm going to update my information and comments about anime and manga too. It's really going to be an otaku's  blog