Chủ Nhật, 22 tháng 1, 2012


Yo everyone! ^^
It's been such a long time since I last wrote on this blog. Well... the truth is I had set a goal for myself : do not touch the computer this year, the matter is, I've used the Internet twice as much as the other years. Teehee! ^_^ And... I'm not planning to decrease the frequency either because I actually think that computer make me more focus on study.

Erm... ok... dunno what I'm saying any more -_-
This year, I've made many new friends and lost some old friends, I've achieved many things and haven't achieved lots of other thing ( I'm too lazy to write the detail and the detail is too hurtful to be written )
This year, I hope I would get what I want, achieve my dream and become a better person ( just hope I would get a bit less lazy, hehe ^.^)
Well, that's it.
Happy new year to everyone, to my lovely friends, my dear family, to everyone in the whole world (it's a bit too late for those who don't celebrate the Lunar New Year I guess) and to me as well .Wish you all a happy and lucky new year :D
Good bye the old year and hhhhhheeeeeellllloooooo to my new year ^^
Bye bye everyone, see ya in the new year :-h